How to Add Custom Background For WooCommerce

Custom Background For WooCommerceAre you looking for a way to display a custom background image in your WooCommerce store? In today’s post, we will show you how to upload a background image for your entire website. For you to understand this, it is essential to understand the basics of uploading an image in WordPress.

A custom background image serves as the full background of your website. If custom background support is enabled in your theme, it is very easy to upload an image or choose a color to fill the background. These options are located in the WordPress dashboard.

It is important to note that other types of backgrounds are possible through plugins, drag-and-drop page builders, and many more. Uploading the background image is only part of the process. This is because you need to configure the background image settings.

However, there are times that you can leave the settings as is, or reconfigure the settings to ensure the image looks excellent. For example, you can change the sizing, image position, background color, whether or not the image should repeat, and options to fill the screen or stretch the image.

Before we start, let us look at the different styles of backgrounds available for WordPress.

Different Styles of Backgrounds

It is worth mentioning that not all WordPress backgrounds are static images. It is possible to implement unique backgrounds by using plugins or custom CSS. Here are some of the background styles available:

  • Standard Background Images – These are static images, which sit behind the primary content. They stretch over most website space and include PNG, JPG, and other image formats.
  • Solid Color Backgrounds – This background is a solid color that adds some vibrancy to your site, if you do not have any image. The color background should fit your brand colors to present a cleaner, more professional site.
  • Gradient Backgrounds – This type of background transitions from one color to another. It makes your online store more visually appealing than a solid color. However, the only problem is if the gradient does not match the foreground.
  • Pattern or Texture Backgrounds – These background photos focus on repetitive items in the image or a close-up texture.
  • Image Slideshow Backgrounds – This background allows site owners to share multiple types of designs or photos to adjust the mood when customers scroll through your site.
  • Video Backgrounds – Video backgrounds are fun to watch and allow you to portray the nature of your brand in an engaging way.

Steps to Add Background Support in a Theme

Unfortunately, not all themes support custom background images. One of the reasons for doing this is if the background doesn’t fit into the theme’s overall design. This leaves you with no dashboard setting to turn it on.

Here are the simple steps to fix this:

  1. Log into your WordPress site and access the Dashboard as the admin user.
  2. From the Dashboard menu, click on Appearance Menu > Theme Editor Menu. When the Theme Editor page is opened, look for the theme functions file to add the function to add background support.
  3. Add the following code to the php file:
[php] $defaults = array(
‘default-color’ => ”,
‘default-image’ => ”,
‘default-repeat’ => ”,
‘default-position-x’ => ”,
‘default-attachment’ => ”,
‘wp-head-callback’ => ‘_custom_background_cb’,
‘admin-head-callback’ => ”,
‘admin-preview-callback’ => ”
add_theme_support( ‘custom-background’, $defaults );

  1. Remember to add a default background image for the entire theme in the default-image value and add the image’s URL to the blank space between the ‘ ‘ after the =>.


In summary, we have shared how you can add background support to any WordPress site. This allows you to add any custom background image by turning the feature on in the WordPress dashboard.

However, if your theme does not have background support, we recommend changing it. We hope that this post helped you add a custom background image to your site.

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