How to Edit WooCommerce Sidebar Shop & Category

how to edit woocommerce sidebar

In this post, I want to guide you on how to edit the WooCommerce sidebar.

This is the only WooCommerce sidebar tutorial you will ever need since I will show you everything you need to know about editing WooCommerce sidebars.

WooCommerce sidebars can be customized using the widget section or using custom code that creates new widget areas as well as removing the WooC0mmerce sidebar that you do not like.

Edit WooCommerce Sidebar

In the previous, I highlighted the various ways you can use to remove the sidebar in WordPress in fact when you check that article you will see I shared the 5 ways you can use to remove the sidebar in WordPress, and of course in WooCommerce as well.

Edit WooCommerce Sidebar Using Code

Sidebar in WooCommerce is created in the page template using the get_sidebar() function.

If you open the page template in a WooCommerce theme such as Storefront theme or any other theme, you should see this code that displays the sidebar at the bottom of the page after the loop as shown in the image below:

Edit WooCommerce Sidebar

If you wish to remove the WooCommerce sidebar from a page you should just get rid of the code and the sidebar will be removed you will also need to readjust the page CSS styles to make it a full page.

Alternatively, you can create a custom page template that does not have the WooCommerce sidebar by eliminating the get_sidebar() function in your custom page template.

Edit WooCommerce Sidebar Using Widgets

If you want to add custom functionality in the WooCommerce sidebar you can accomplish this using the widgets.

You can assess the widget blocks under the Appearance menu in the WordPress dashboard.

In the widget section, you can add custom blocks using existing plugins or you can create your own custom widget plugin.

For example, when you want to add payment icons on your WooCommerce store in the sidebar, you can use a plugin like the WC Payicons.

When you add the widget you need to update it to save the changes.

Edit WooCommerce Sidebar Using Widgets

Edit WooCommerce Sidebar Category & Shop

The WooCommerce category sidebar and the shop sidebar may vary since they are created as different widget areas.

If you check the widgets section, you will see the widget area for the shop and the widget area for the category or the archives.

To edit the WooCommerce sidebar for the shop you need to change the respective widget in the widget area for the shop and the same applies when you are editing the WooCommerce sidebar for the category

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