How To Quickly Find Your Product ID in WooCommerce

how to find product id in WooCommerceDo you want to find product id in WooCommerce ? This is a quick guide on how to find product id WooCommerce will help you to quickly find all the ids for any products you want.

It will also help you understand where the product ID comes from and how you can use it to customize WooCommerce product page or the checkout, cart and much more based on the specific product selected by the customer.

What is a Product ID in WooCommerce ?

Product ID is essentially a unique number that is assigned to every product that you add to your WooCommerce store. This unique number is used to identify the product on your store in different scenarios.

This product ID is derived from the default WordPress post ID since the WooCommerce product is a  WordPress custom post type.

You can find the product ID by looking at the database, product URLs,using plugins that reveal IDs as well as looking at the product edit link on the general overview.

Why Find WooCommerce Product ID ?

When you want to customize WooCommerce product or the shop page, you may be required to find product id so that you can use it in the code.

For example when you want to redirect after checkout by product, you need to find product id of the specific product then apply the redirect rules, as it is the case in the WRAC – WooCommerce redirect after checkout plugin.

So the product ID plays an important role in the customization of the WooCommerce shop page and other functionality like checkout, cart and much more.

Find Product ID WooCommerce

As I hinted above, to find the product ID you just need to check the product edit screen from your WordPress dashboard.

So you need to login to your WooCommerce site, navigate to the All Products page and check the product ID under each product as shown on the image below :

find product id in WooCommerce


The method above is the easiest way to find WooCommerce product id but you can also find the product ID from the database wp_posts table, you can also find the product ID from the URL parameter when you are editing the product as on the image below :

find product id WooCommerce

These are the quick ways you can use to find the product ID for any product on your WooCommerce store.

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