Easy Steps to Change Related Products Text in WooCommerce

Change Related Products Text in WooCommerceIf you are an e-commerce business owner using WooCommerce, you understand the importance of creating a seamless and personalized shopping experience for your customers.

One often overlooked aspect of this experience is the text associated with related products on your product pages.

Fortunately, WooCommerce provides a simple way to customize this text to better align with your brand voice and engage your customers effectively.

In this blog post, I’ll walk you through two methods of changing related product text in WooCommerce, helping you create a more cohesive and engaging shopping experience for your customers.

Method 1: Editing Theme Template Files

Step 1: Accessing Your Theme Files

To begin, access your theme files through your WordPress admin dashboard under the “Appearance” section. Look for the “Theme Editor” option, which allows you to modify your theme’s code directly.

Step 2: Locating the WooCommerce Template File

Locate the WooCommerce template file responsible for displaying related products. This file is often named “single-product/related.php.” However, the naming convention might vary depending on your theme. If you’re unsure about the location of this file, consult WooCommerce’s documentation or reach out to your theme’s support for assistance.

Step 3: Editing the Related Products Text

Find the relevant code that displays the related product text. This might look like:

<h2><?php esc_html_e( 'Related Products', 'woocommerce' ); ?></h2>

To change the text “Related Products” to something more fitting for your brand, modify the text within the esc_html_e() function. For instance, if you want it to say “You May Also Like,” change the code to:

<h2><?php esc_html_e( ‘You May Also Like’, ‘woocommerce’ ); ?></h2>

Step 4: Save Your Changes

After making changes to the related product text, save the file. Some theme editors might provide a “Save” button, while others might require you to press “Update File” or a similar option.

Step 5: Clear Caches and Test

Clear any caching mechanisms you might have in place, and navigate to a product page on your website to ensure that the related product text has been successfully changed.

Method 2: Adding a Code Snippet to Your Theme’s functions.php

If you’re uncomfortable editing theme files directly, or if you want a more manageable approach, you can achieve the same result by adding a code snippet to your theme’s functions.php file. This method is especially useful if you’re concerned about future updates potentially overwriting your changes.

Step 1: Access functions.php

Navigate to your WordPress admin dashboard and go to “Appearance” > “Theme Editor.” On the right-hand side, click on “Theme Functions” or “functions.php” to edit this file.

Step 2: Add the Code Snippet

Insert the following code snippet at the end of the functions.php file:

function change_related_products_text() {
    return __( 'You May Also Like', 'woocommerce' );
add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_related_products_heading', 'change_related_products_text' );

This code snippet uses the woocommerce_product_related_products_heading filter hook to modify the related products heading text. In this example, we’ve changed it to “You May Also Like.” Replace this text with your desired label.

Step 3: Save Changes

After adding the code snippet, click the “Update File” button to save your changes to the functions.php file.

Step 4: Clear Caches and Test

Clear any caches and test a product page to ensure that the related product text has been updated.


Customizing the related product text in WooCommerce might seem like a small detail, but it can contribute significantly to your brand’s identity and the overall shopping experience you offer to your customers. Whether you choose to edit theme files directly or use the functions.php approach, you’ll be able to tailor the text to match your brand voice, create a more personalized connection with your customers, and ultimately drive more conversions.

Remember, when working with code, it’s always a good practice to make a backup of your theme’s functions.php file before making any changes. This ensures that you can revert to the previous state if needed.

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