How to Turn off Next Product Tabs In WooCommerce Storefront

WooCommerce Storefront Turn off Next Product TabsIf you are running a WooCommerce store, you will notice that it offers you a section to add additional information on the product page. This section modularizes the content and presents lots of information about the product without cluttering the design or overwhelming the customer.

WooCommerce Storefront Turn off Next Product Tabs

WooCommerce has three tabs by default:

  • Additional information
  • Reviews
  • Description (displayed if you have added description content for the product)

In this brief tutorial, I am going to share how to:

  • Remove the Description tab.
  • Remove the Additional Information tab.
  • Remove the Reviews tab.
  • Remove a Custom tab

These sections are used to provide more information to the customer about the product. However, you may want to remove these sections.Additional information section

Steps to Remove Description Tab

The description tab displays the main content area of the product. If the main content is empty, the tab will not be displayed.Description tab

  1. Log into your WordPress site and access the Dashboard as the admin user.
  2. From the Dashboard menu, click on Appearance Menu > Theme Editor Menu. When the Theme Editor page is opened, look for the theme functions file to add the function to remove the description tab.
  3. Add the following code to the functions.php file:

 * Remove Description Tab


add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'njengah_remove_description_tab', 11 );

 function njengah_remove_description_tab( $tabs ) {

            unset( $tabs['description'] );

            return $tabs;

  1. This will be the outcome:Outcome for removing the description tab

However, you should know about the hook priority. The value must be ten or higher. If it is below 10, then it will not work.

Steps to Remove Additional Information Tab

This tab displays product attributes. If there are no attributes, this tab will not be displayed.Additional information

Here are the steps you need to follow:

  1. Log into your WordPress site and access the Dashboard as the admin user.
  2. From the Dashboard menu, click on Appearance Menu > Theme Editor Menu. When the Theme Editor page is opened, look for the theme functions file to add the function to remove the additional information tab.
  3. Add the following code to the functions.php file:

* Remove Additional Information Tab


add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'njengah_remove_additional_information' );

function njengah_remove_additional_information( $tabs ) {

unset( $tabs['additional_information'] );

return $tabs;

  1. This will be the outcome:Outcome for removing the additional info tab

Steps to Remove the Reviews Tab

If you want to hide the reviews section, disable it in the product reviews first. This can be done by accessing the “Product data” meta box in Products > All Products. If you click on any product, you will see it:Product data section

Alternatively, you can also do it globally for all products in WooCommerce settings. Click on WooCommerce > Settings. After that, click on the products tab as shown:Enable reviews

However, you can remove the reviews section by adding this code snippet in the functions.php file:


* Remove Reviews Tab


add_filter( 'woocommerce_product_tabs', 'njengah_remove_reviews_tab' );

function njengah_remove_reviews_tab( $tabs ) {

unset( $tabs['reviews'] );

return $tabs;


This will be the outcome:final outcome


This post has shared how you can remove the description tag and the additional information tab. Moreover, I have shared three ways to remove the reviews tab. The first method is in the product data section, and the second one is in the WooCommerce settings page, under the products tab. The final solution involves the use of a custom PHP code snippet.

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