How to Remove Checkout Button WooCommerce

Remove Checkout Button WooCommerce

Customers can review their order before proceeding to the checkout page to make the payment. They can also delete an item from their virtual basket or increase the quantity of added items.

After the order is finalized, the customer clicks on the Proceed to Checkout button to go to the Checkout page.

There are some cases you may want customers in your store to skip the checkout page and instead go directly to the payment gateway page, where payments are made.

For example, in stores that accept PayPal payments, customers can click the PayPal Checkout button below the Proceed to Checkout button.

Remove the Checkout Button WooCommerce

If your store accepts payments only through PayPal and no other payment method, the “Proceed to checkout” button becomes an overhead for the customer.

Let me show you how you can remove it or hide it.proceed to checkout button

Here are the steps that you need to follow:

  1. Log into your WordPress site and access the dashboard as the admin user
  2. From the dashboard menu, click on the Appearance Menu > Theme Editor Menu. When the theme editor page is opened, look for the theme functions file with the extension functions.php. Open this functions file to add the function to remove the ‘Proceed to Checkout’ button.
  3. Add the following line of code to the functions.php file:

remove_action( 'woocommerce_proceed_to_checkout','woocommerce_button_proceed_to_checkout', 20);

  1. This is the outcome:remove proceed to checkout button

How the Code Works

The woocommerce_button_proceed_to_checkout is a function that outputs the Checkout button. By removing this using the woocommerce_proceed_to_checkout hook, the button won’t be rendered.

In this way, customers in your store can directly go to the payment gateway page to make the payment, as shown in the screenshot above.


In summary, this post illustrates how it is easy to remove the ‘Proceed to Checkout’ button in WooCommerce. I recommend creating a child theme so that your changes are not lost during an upgrade.

The code snippet removes the button using a hook, so that is not rendered. If you are not familiar with editing code, please consider hiring a qualified WordPress developer.

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